Illinois currently uses a flat rate structure, forcing low and middle-income families to pay taxes at the same rate as billionaires. The result of this structure is that working families pay more than their fair share, while the state’s wealthiest pay far less, and, as a consequence, our state lacks the resources we need to fund vital services and programs, including health programs for our most vulnerable community members.
Thanks to the hard work of the Responsible Budget Coalition, its 300 member organizations, and allies in the Illinois House of Representatives, the Fair Tax Amendment officially passed the House in 2019. This means that in November 2020, Illinois voters will have the chance to vote on whether Illinois should have a fair income tax, where higher incomes pay higher rates and lower incomes pay lower rates.
As a steering committee member of the Vote Yes for Fair Tax Ballot Committee and Co-Chair of the Validators Committee, the Healthy Illinois Campaign joins statewide partners to lead the push for a Fair Tax in Illinois.
How will a Fair Tax benefit you and our state?
- A fair tax will give Illinois the revenue boost it needs to fund our long-starved social services, to rebuild our roads and bridges, and to tend to other state services so Illinois can be the state its residents can once again rely upon and where they can continue to raise their families.
- By implementing a fair tax, 97 percent of Illinoisans will see no tax increase, while millionaires and billionaires will pay their fair share—reducing economic inequality in Illinois.
- Only those making more than $250,000 will see a tax increase with the fair tax, while many middle and lower-income families will receive a tax cut.
- Do you want to help get a Fair Tax in Illinois? Contact Graciela Guzman, Healthy Illinois Campaign Director, to get involved!