MEDIA CONTACT: Tovia Siegel,, 857-544-2770

Healthy Illinois Campaign and members of the Illinois Latino Legislative Caucus celebrate the inclusion of the Healthy Illinois For All bill in the Medicaid Omnibus. The bill will fund comprehensive and expanded health coverage for low-income immigrant adults ages 42-54, regardless of immigration status. 

In 2020, Illinois became the first state in the nation to provide Medicaid-like coverage to low-income seniors over the age of 65. In 2021, Illinois expanded coverage to low-income adults ages 55 through 64.   Today, Illinois builds upon this legacy of immigrant justice by extending coverage to low–income immigrants ages 42-54. This is a monumental and critical step toward expanding healthcare coverage to all undocumented, uninsured Illinoisans- the largest group of residents in Illinois without coverage.  This vital step also ensures that Illinois emerges stronger from this crisis by lowering the uninsured rate, reducing healthcare providers’ uncompensated care, and ensuring a more equitable healthcare system for all Illinoisans. We applaud the Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus, Asian American Caucus, and Progressive Caucus for championing this program!

The provision will:

“Expanding healthcare access to our most vulnerable communities during the Covid-19 public health crisis has been among my top priorities. I am proud that here in Illinois, we have chosen to expand coverage first to seniors and now to adults 42 and over, regardless of their immigration status. We have affirmed healthcare as a human right to thousands of low-income people who would have no other options to access affordable healthcare.”

Representative Delia Ramirez, Illinois 4th District

“A person’s immigration status should not limit having access to vital healthcare services. That’s why Illinois leads the nation in passing Medicaid enrollment for non-citizens 42+, one of the more vulnerable demographics in our state. This Medicaid expansion is indeed an accomplishment. But it’s only one more step that moves us closer to our goal to provide healthcare services for all in Illinois.”

Senator Omar Aquino, Illinois 2nd District 

“Going through this pandemic has demonstrated that access to affordable and quality healthcare should be a fundamental right that is available to all the residents of our state, regardless of immigration status,” said Assistant Minority Leader Lisa Hernandez, D-Cicero. “For the last few years I have worked tirelessly with other Latino Caucus members to expand coverage and ensure that citizenship status is not a barrier to life saving healthcare. This is a matter of equity for the Latino community, which was disproportionately impacted by loss during the pandemic in large part because they faced so many barriers to adequate medical care.”

Representative Lisa Hernandez, Illinois 24th District 

“There is no doubt to achieve state-funded Medicaid for immigrants including the undocumented is an incredible achievement.  This could not have happened without a coalition of community advocates and the commitment of legislative leadership in partnership with the Healthy Illinois Campaign. There is still a lot of work to do!”

Carmen Velasquez, Founder of Alivio Medical Center and Healthy Illinois Campaign 

“Alivio Medical Center celebrates this historic legislation that expands health care coverage to the undocumented 42 years and older. Immigrants are the backbone of essential work and helped us move through this pandemic. It’s time we value their contribution to society and ensure they have access to healthcare.”

Esther Corpuz, CEO, Alivio Medical Center

“Our hearts are happy that tens of thousands of immigrants will be able to get the medical care they need. The Resurrection Project thanks the Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus for continuing to fight for the most vulnerable. Because healthcare is a human right, we will keep advocating until everyone is covered.”

Ere Rendon, The Resurrection Project

“Expanding health coverage for immigrants is economically important, politically smart and morally right.” 

Rebecca Shi, American Business Immigration Coalition

“The Shriver Center is resolute that everyone, no matter their income, race, or where they come from, should have meaningful access to comprehensive, affordable health coverage. We are proud to stand with the Healthy Illinois Campaign and legislative champions to celebrate this win for coverage for Illinoisans aged 42 and older, regardless of immigration status. And we will continue to work on Healthcare for All until every immigrant in the state of Illinois has a pathway to health coverage.”

Andrea Kovach, Shriver Center on Poverty Law 

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